Senate STALLING AGAIN But Trump Has SO Much To Do

Donald Trump has to defeat the liberal left before he can accomplish major goals, until then he has an armload of smaller successes. He has to expose their double standard, their incredible hypocrisy, and their cynical political motivations before he can unite the majority of the people and move the country forward with unity. For anyone paying attention, it’s easy to see that the liberals care nothing about addressing the issues that the American people care about. This is why Schumer made his June 25, 2017 plea to try to get them to at least THINK about the economy and he was non-specific at that. They are simply desperate to regain power, and will say and/or do anything to achieve that goal. And they’re counting on the majority of Americans being stupid, gullible or highly ignorant. In other words, they’re trying to appeal to their base. It's always been an effort of theirs to pit economic group against economic group, the haves versus the have-nots. Nevermind Democrats at the top of the pyramid have best educations, best healthcare, best of everything. They want to encourage fighting and envy and putting their designing biases on others takes the spotlight off them getting away with so many sneaky accomplishments. The latest is the California ban on American freedom to travel because Muslims were banned from travel from unstable countries because of "religion". Nevermind that ONE is violently killing, beheading, raping and maiming while the other is mostly FEAR of and loathing and avoidance of violence.
