TRUMP Successes Are MAJOR & HUGE & Gigantic! A Man For thw Time!
Most people who were adults during President Reagan's time were probably very busy so only got SPOONFED what the media wanted US to know.
Major newspapers were major shapers and molders of public opinion so Reagan was THIS & THAT but his successes were minimized.
Lots of us know what it means to be MINIMIZED. Nevertheless, Reagan is remembered as GREAT even tho the Democrats GOT him at least ONCE on TAX REFORM/CUTS. At least, Reagan did not pretend to fall for Democrat promises of TWO FOR ONE CUTS in spending, if only YOU will break your word and OK a TAX HIKE...well "Ol' READ MY LIPS" managed to get CLINTON elected since old RML Bush was and STILL is - a GOP Establishment JERK and his son - to boot!
BOTH have come out against TRUMP even tho he 1) Spearheaded NEW SCOTUS (Supreme Court guy who is VERY DECENT and respectable. He will not go to cocktail parties and go liberal, lax, and limber on us but will stand FIRM and at least oppose Ginsburg and Roberts who LOVE Obamacare.
This column could go off for a tangent now on O'care...the vexation sensation that causes libation. Don't let Obamacare drive you to DRINK!
Don't even let McConnell & the GOP Establishment spoil any good times because they are steering the tax reform into the ditch.
Reagan did not have to contend with so many states UNDER STATE INCOME TAX slavery back in the 1980s, nor were state sales taxes so high that people ITEMIZE on several sheets of paper & usually pay a do-er service $80 plus when that cigar box or folder of receipts and state income tax MAY not even make it worthwhile to "GO THAT ROUTE."
POSTCARD income tax is RIDICULOUS because NOBODY wants postal workers snooping out their income & taxes on a silly POSTCARD!
That IDEA just reveals GOP Establishment & Democrat OPINIONS of US taxpayers in general. They think we are DUMB & buy into all their "Bravo Sierra" or BS.
FYI - about that Museum of Bible coverage in NEWS!
1) The museum-of-bible website probably mentions that the 430,000 foot Museum of the Bible, years in planning and two years in building - has up-to-the-minute-cutting-edge technology, amusement park-type rides and thousands of biblical artifacts, the world’s largest private collection of retired Torah scrolls, a Bible brought on the Mayflower, Dead Sea Scroll fragments, and a Bible that belonged to rock icon, Elvis Presley.
It has 40-foot bronze doors, a rooftop garden and all eight floors are dedicated to the history, narrative, and influence of the Bible. on society, including media, fashion and events in American and world history.
An entire section of the Museum of the Bible is devoted to the “Bible in America,” which included a 3,300-pound replica of the Liberty Bell, the first exhibit item installed.
Tony Zeiss, the museum’s executive director, has stated that more than 100 biblical scholars helped advise the museum to carefully avoid favoring any religion in particular or appearing partisan.
2) newseum - the Museum of News -
3) Business Insider article about Hobby Lobby president backing a "goodly portion" of the Museum of the Bible. A fund raiser was attended by up to 750 people with the least expensive seat at $2,500 for one seat or $25,000 for a table of 10, according to the ticket. Perks otherwise offered for donors of $50,000, $100,000 or $250,000, included tickets to the Broadway musical “Amazing Grace” in the museum’s new theater, tickets to the Nev. 21, 2017 dedication, as well as a VIP reception and photo opportunity. All donated funds went to the museum minus, of course, expenses such as the ballroom.
Speaking of opening night - the Museum sports a new ballroom that seats 420 for dinner. Organizers hosted a second black-tie gala on Nov. 21, 2017 with a similar entertainment line up as the earlier gala, including appearances by gospel stars CeCe Winans and Wintley Phipps.
4) Business Insider announces (on 11/16/2017) Museum of Bible to open (did so on November 21, 2017) Soon but we don't want to say when although WE KNOW (we're not stupid)
5) Washington Post says M of B wants avoid politics BUT...
6) Washington Com) Post says, "I had to be there (on assignment to diss the BILLIONAIRES & create jealosy) The $500 million Museum financed by "BILLIONAIRES" of Hobby Lobby Chain
7)NY Post first on or about 11/16, it was "controversial"
8) NBC Museum opens amid celebration and CYNICISM. NBC made a 2 minute 45 second video touring and dissing the museum.
TTTTTTTTTT Gospel star CeCe Winans sang "Amazing Grace," "Touched by an Angel" actress Roma Downey gladly posed for numerous pictures and many of Washington, D.C.'s distinguished faith leaders held and applied oversize scissors to snip a ceremonial gold ribbon and invite visitors inside for the first time.
Biased NBC had no problem inciting public cynicism over some items the museum sought to acquire by mistake with no idea whatsoever that were found to be perloined from Iraq by unknown persons. This sounded like an FBI sting/setup since the museum was fined $3,000,000 and the items were never actually in the museum's collection. Hopefully, the museum re-acquired its payment in what appeared to be a "sting". The curator stated," The Museum employs the same standards for acquiring items used by other institutions.
About Hobby Lobby’s fine predicament, Mark Singer, of Scottsdale, Arizona stated, "They got hoodwinked. I would give them the benefit of the doubt. They don’t do things 'cause they’re evil. They're naive.”
(Besides its fascinating creative arts and crafts inventory, Hobby Lobby is well known and cheered by millions for its landmark Supreme Court victory in a 2014 ruling that businesses don't have to provide contraception under Obamacare. Had the decision been won by known liberal Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg and her cohorts, ALL businesses would be forced to provide contraception under the thumb of the federal government's Obamacare EVEN if they LOVE children and do not wish to prevent their conception or promote non-marital unions via contraception. By the same token Hobby Lobby does not promote STDs because it does not re-imburse employees for prophilactic purchases, but does not condemn or try to prevent employees from buying their own.)
At the Grand Opening visitors who are not donors or members of the Museum of the Bible toured its eight floors on Friday said they didn't care much about such controversies. Pre-scheduled tour groups were able to visit early while the museum opens to the wider public on Saturday.
9)Fox News -The goal of the Museum of the Bible is to show and to educate people about the many ways that the Bible has impacted America, not just our history but in terms of civil rights and social justice to fashion,” Steve Bickley, vice president of marketing for the museum, told Fox News during an early tour of the museum-in-the-making.
10) One America News Channel noted that the Museum is for ALL religions and denominations since the Bible and other references are mentioned in several religions.
The SITE depicts a sunken-eyed "Pope-mask" held in the left fingertips atop a pinkish blob of something blobish. The "Duo #1" guy is mysteriously suspended on his right leg at about a 60 degree angle but the left leg is so transparent that the scenery shows right thru it. The right hand is holding a deadly-looking rusty ice pick. The cameraman, "Duo #2", is photographing the Pope mask in some hell-hole-ish future caliphate desolation-from-death-and-destruction place where apparently all the opposition has been killed off except for "The DUO". To complete the "perfect caliphate look" - all that is necessary is a burned-out passenger car with all its doors and hood open and some decorative bullet holes and perhaps a small truck with a line of bullet holes in its windscreen and a corpse hanging out the driver's side window.
Perkins Coie Salaries NEWS POSTED AMOUNTS paid to Perkins Coie as if this was ONE PERSON. NEWS also posted Baker Whatever as if ONE PERSON when these are ONE NAME LEGAL FIRMS...our "NEWS" is either DUMB or thinks law firms are always Dewy, Shaftum & Howe.
Updated October 24, 2017
170 salaries (for 73 job titles, not 73 employees)
How much do Perkins Coie employees make? Glassdoor has salaries, wages, tips, bonuses, and hourly pay based upon employee reports and estimates.
Some Baker Blah Blah employees got more "Free Hillary/DNC money
We, Lebonese, are different you see. We believe in neither goose-stepping like the communists nor marching like the rest of the world but "syncronize trotting". After some practice, it is most impressive.
After a few stiff drinks, you too will appreciate syncronized trotting especially with the troops carrying 20-inch plastic machine guns.
If your life was on video tape, that would be the Great Escape - Steve Goodman R.I.P.
To a Cali (California) Person, Kali may be "badder" than Hitler since the Hindu goddess had supernatural powers, sometimes depicted with a human skull necklace.
Altho many, many people thought Charles Manson's forehead tattoo was a NAZI SWASTIKA - it was a Kali (Killer Hindu murderess demon Saustika) with counterclockwise - arms the exact opposite of the NAZI sign. Most people thot Manson was just being clever to avoid general population where he might be mistreated to death for "NAZI/ gang sympathies. Wrongo!
He was just making the swastika look "right" since he was doing his own tattoo in the mirror. So he accidentally "Kali-ed" his tat into the baddest of the bad. Hindus know that Kali makes Hitler look like a choirboy. The joke was on Manson, but the retirement was far better than he ever would have had as a street hippy/thug. He probably would have been dead before age 30.
Charles Manson's brain looks like Rafi Letzter's, full of twisted little thoughts of a warped little mind.
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